Elisabeth Allen


Virtue: Hope
Vice: Wrath
Occupation: Reality Show Ghost Hunter
Notable Stats

  • Resolve ●●●●●
  • Streetwise ●●●○○
  • Fame (Exorcised) ●○○○
  • Freckles ●●●●●

What is Known

  • Elisabeth enjoyed a brief period of fame when she was 13 among those who follow church or occult news. Her God-crazy mother brought in a priest to cleanse the demons plaguing their family, attacking both Elisabeth and her father, leaving them scratched and pelted by household items. The house was exorcised and the family's story broadcast on one of those cheesy ghost-hunting reality shows.
  • She has her own blog and YouTube channel (user name, CameraObscura) where she posts video evidence of encounters with the supernatural. Others have cycled through her motley crew to film and produce the videos, but she's arrived in Austin alone.
  • Thus far, she has not enjoyed the celebrity she'd hoped to achieve, but PayPal donations from creepy old men drooling over the young redhead on ghost adventures keep her afloat.
  • She travels around in a manky van with a bunch of cheap, cobbled together video and computer equipment.
  • Girlfriend's got a temper and a mean right hook when riled. That's a big ol' chip on her shoulder.

RP Hooks

  • In Front of the Camera She's out and about filming! Daytime, nighttime, in locations rumored to be haunted and those that aren't. Sign this release form?
  • Behind the Camera For some mysterious reason, the latest members of her crew decided not to come to Austin with Elisabeth. Do you have a hard on for weird shit? Mad skillz with cameras, computers or those fuzzy sound thingies that she doesn't know the name for? Willing to work for beer and pizza? Let's talk!
  • Hook Me Up Ewww, not that way. But if you know where she could get a li'l this, a li'l that, for recreational happy downtime between film shoots…
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